
The reason why i use adfly

Good Evening, today's post is on the reason why i use to shrink my urls.
 The other day i created a post on adfly stating categorically that you can generate revenue from adfly Click Here to read the post.
 I use adfly to shrink my urls because whenever you click to download either an mp3 or any other item which i use adfly to shorten an advert will pop up, i get paid whenever that ad pops up that's the truth about adfly so i want to implore you to wait for just 5 seconds after which you will click on the close window @ the top right corner & download the track you want to download. I'm using this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to you my adorable page viewer for bearing with me for 5 seconds to generate revenue for me. If you want to generate revenue into your Paypal account using adfly CLICK HERE to sign up for adfly.

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  1. Gabriel you are just too much i met you today & i must say i like you because you have really helped me to understand what blogging is all about & hence forth i will always be your friend, you have won for your self a loyal page reader... FUNNY GUY

  2. Hello Mr Amadi don't thank me Thank God i love helping others & once you are a page reader on my blog you are automatically my friend & i'm not funny oh! i'm just there cos with me what you see is what you get.

  3. Nice post, have a great week ahead.

  4. Thank you Mrs Joy. I wish you a week filled with more page viewers & an increased CTR.


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